Friday, May 29, 2015

No Time, No Problem

Summer is a wonderful time for families to come together and bond, but arranging everyone’s schedules can be a real challenge. Between work, friends, sports, chores and other activities, it may seem like there is no time for family bonding. Here are 3 activities you can do with your family on a tight schedule:

Go for a walk
Getting the family together and going for a walk either in the morning before work or at night when everyone returns home is a great family summer activity. Walking is not only a great way to stay active, but it also is a wonderful time to talk and enjoy the outdoors together. If you choose to go at night you can hear about everyone’s day, and maybe even enjoy a sunset together. Another great benefit of this activity is that you can choose the length and time you walk. So if you are on a tight schedule, you can still have the bonding experience.

Play Yard Games
Yard games such as bocce ball, croquet, polish golf, and bean bag toss are great summer yard games. They don’t take long to set up and they can be played in a short amount of time. These games get you outside of the house, enjoying the weather and promote a little family competition. Kids of all ages are sure to love these games, and even parents too.

Explore a Local Park
Find a local park near you and go exploring. Search for new areas of the park, areas you have never seen before. Bring a camera with you and take photos of nature. You can even make it a competition to see who can take the best nature photo. You may even bring a blanket with and have a short picnic with snacks. Doing so will get your family out exploring the community and will provide lasting memories together.

So take some time out of your busy lives, get out and try these short summer family activities. They will bring your family together and will provide a great opportunity for everyone to relax, bond and enjoy the beautiful summer sun.   

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How to De-Stress for Finals

Ask any college student and they will tell you that finals are easily the most stressful time in their lives. The idea of taking tests that have such a huge impact on your final grade can cause a lot of anxiety and frustration. Also, students put so much time into their studies that they feel they have no time for themselves. As important as it is to study for finals, it is also important to have time for yourself. We have come up with a few ideas to how to de-stress during your finals preparation.

1. Exercise


It is important to rid the body of built up stress, and exercise does just that. It does not matter how fit you are, any exercise provides a chance to release steam and aggression. Doing so keeps you active and your body healthy. Exercise is also known to have mental benefits such as relieving symptoms of depression and anxiety.

2. Watch a Movie.


One way to de-stress is through visual stimulation. Your eyes have been hard at work reading from a book or a computer screen. Relax by watching a movie that you have not seen before. This allows your brain to take in the story, and you will typically reflect upon the characters decisions at the end. Some great movie choices include documentaries or comedies. In fact, comedy movies are encouraged to be watched the night before your tests to help lower nerves.

3. Get Outdoors


If you have been studying in the same room for an extended time, then you may want to get outside and breathe in the fresh air. Take in the beauty of nature to show yourself that finals will not be the end of you. Some individuals prefer taking a drive through the country. If you choose to take a short road trip, then bring along your favorite music as an aid to relieve stress.

4. Go Home


Nobody knows you better than the ones who raised you. That means they know exactly how to help you relieve built up stress. Take a weekend before finals to travel back home and see your loved ones. Allow yourself to be pampered with home cooked meals and free laundry. Or, if you cannot find time to go home, have a long conversation with a loved one over the phone or through Skype. They may even offer you some words of motivation to help you through this trying time.

5. Go out With Your Friends


There is a strong chance that your friends are going through the same struggles as you are. Kill two birds with one stone and plan a fun, simple event together. It can be as simple as getting coffee or seeing a comedy improv show. What is important is that it is something that will help each of you decompress.

Sure, your finals may have a large impact on your grades. However, do not let the fear of failure take over your life. Odds are that you will pass each test just as long as you try your hardest. At M State Detroit Lakes, we want to provide you with as many outlets as you need to feel relaxed for your finals. Check out our Spartan center or chat with your advisors if you have any concerns over your finals. Best of luck as you near the end of the semester!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Landing Your Dream Career

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We all had big dreams when we were children. Some of us wanted to be firefighters, some wanted to be veterinarians, and some of us wanted to be superheroes. Sure, it’s great to dream big, but dreaming of a job is much different than dreaming of a career. Getting a degree doesn’t guarantee you your dream job. However, what it does give you is the knowledge you need to solidify a position in your dream field.

An idea that tends to take hold of people is that there is only one way to get the job you want. Still, there are many degrees that could lead you to where you want to end up. That’s why it’s very important to look into your desired career before heading off to college. Especially when the career you want is achievable after a two-year degree.  

Career Paths

While in college, you may be wondering what you can do with your degree once you graduate. You may have a career in mind, but one can never be too sure that the job will be waiting for you when you apply. That’s why it’s important to research your degree and apply at a variety of places. We’ll look at a few of M State’s degree options to discover what careers you could pursue after graduating. You can even check out this link for a list of other possible career paths and opportunities.

  • Business: Marketing and Sales: A degree in this field can lead you down a variety of channels. A few career paths may include project management, advertising sales, and even real estate. You can apply at banks, insurance companies, and even agencies throughout the United States. The skills you earn will allow you to get involved with various organizations, and you could provide marketing expertise to a growing business.

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    Nursing: Many people believe that all nurses end up in a hospital at some point, though that’s not always the case. A degree in nursing can also lead to a job in education or even within the government. Nurses can find themselves working for large corporations, travel companies, or within colleges and universities.

  • Accounting: It’s difficult not to imagine being stuck in a cubicle after a degree in accounting. After all, many television shows and movies show accountants doing just that. Yet, there is so much more than can be achieved with a degree in this field. For one, you can find a job working for a non-profit organization, or you could even end up working for your favorite brand’s company.

A Degree is Not Always as it Appears

In the end, there are so many careers that can be obtained with a community college education. So, why travel through one tunnel that’s twice as long when you can see the light easily through the other? You’ve often heard it said that the early bird gets the worm. Get your career going today with M State. Check out our list of degrees and programs, because we want nothing more than to see your dreams come true.